Home School Community Liaison Teacher

The aim of the “Home School Community Liaison Teacher” is to develop partnership and co-operation between parents, teachers and relevant community agencies. Everybody works together with the best interests of the children in mind. Parents are encouraged to participate more fully in their children’s education and to become more involved in the life of the school.  We encourage parents to become aware of their own ability in enhancing their children’s educational progress. 

Gardiner Street School has a dedicated full time Home School Community Liaison (HSCL) Teacher whose job is to provide this essential link between home, school and the local community. Our HSCL Teacher is Maria Gleeson.

The HSCL teacher works with parents/guardians in a number of ways:

  • Visiting parents/guardians in their homes.
  • Organising courses, talks or meetings for parents/guardians in the school, for example, sewing classes and support classes for parents.
  • Actively involving parents/guardians in their children’s education e.g. through projects such as Science for Fun, Maths for Fun and Literacy for Fun.
  • Promoting closer partnership between teachers and parents
  • Working with relevant community agencies that play a role in the life of the child

  Maria is available from 8.50am – 2.30pm each school day.

 How to contact Maria: 

  • Parents can drop into the school and meet Maria. 
  • Parents may phone Maria on (087) 6364351. 
  • Parents may email Maria at hsclgardinerstreet@gmail.com

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